2017-2018 Slideshow
2016-2017 Slideshow |
Welcome to Our Family-Based, K-8 Faith Formation!
Parents, as the primary educators of their children, carry with them a special, God-given grace to pass the gift of faith onto their children; and it's the responsibility of every parish to support and empower them in their efforts. Truly, there is no greater gift parents could ever give.
G.I.F.T. is a family-based faith formation program designed to provide parents with all the necessary resources they need to grow in discipleship as a family (children must be accompanied by at least one parent/guardian). Our monthly meetings equip parents with an overview of the materials they will cover at home with their children that month, as well as a communal network of support and fellowship in our SAB community, a family of families.
After a shared meal and while parents engage our monthly topic, the kids are off to an age-appropriate session of their own: Junior High, K-5, or the Little Lambs Nursery (under 5).
All of our age-appropriate sessions implement an intergenerational, small group approach to faith formation. The goal is simple: to encounter the love of Jesus Christ, personally, through dynamic teaching, relevant activities, and blossoming Christian friendships.
G.I.F.T. is a family-based faith formation program designed to provide parents with all the necessary resources they need to grow in discipleship as a family (children must be accompanied by at least one parent/guardian). Our monthly meetings equip parents with an overview of the materials they will cover at home with their children that month, as well as a communal network of support and fellowship in our SAB community, a family of families.
After a shared meal and while parents engage our monthly topic, the kids are off to an age-appropriate session of their own: Junior High, K-5, or the Little Lambs Nursery (under 5).
All of our age-appropriate sessions implement an intergenerational, small group approach to faith formation. The goal is simple: to encounter the love of Jesus Christ, personally, through dynamic teaching, relevant activities, and blossoming Christian friendships.
"What a little word: “gift”! The catechist is conscious of having received [it], the gift of faith, and he or she then gives that gift in turn to others. This is something beautiful. We don’t keep a percentage for ourselves! Whatever we receive, we give! It is pure gift: a gift received and a gift given. And the catechist is right there, at the center of this exchange..." (Pope Francis).