(Learning Opportunities Listed Below)
We are all called to be the hands, feet and heart of God. Jesus commissioned us just before He ascended into Heaven.
WHO? The understood subject (if you remember your English Grammar) is YOU!
WHY? God is a good Father! It is not in His heart that we should be sick or oppressed. Jesus was His provision and our Example.
Jesus healed the sick and oppressed. Jesus commissioned us to do the same. Come increase the "talents" we were given, don't bury them!
WHAT? Accompanying signs! Healing is an accompanying sign that Jesus is working with us and through us confirming His Word.
WHERE? The Abba House of Mercy and Prayer conducts classes and seminars to show His people the Church how to be the hands, feet, and heart of God in this world. The teachings are Scripture based and reiterate what Jesus taught. The learner is able to immediately put into practice what he or she have learned. Often people come to learn and are healed themselves.
WHEN? Opportunities to learn how to pray for healing and deliverance begin in January. Watch the bulletin!
HOW? We will be using a variety of teachings from experts in the field who have experienced healing results in their ministries including: Christian Healing Ministries, Global Awakening Network, Joan Hunter, author and healing practitioner, her parents, the Happy Hunters, and Neal Lozano, author of UNBOUND: A Practical Guide to Deliverance to name a few. Click here to learn about Unbound and Heart of the Father Ministries.
2022-2023 Learning Opportunities
August 23 - Fearless Documentary - Praying for Others Hybrid (in person and Zoom)
September 13 - Praying for Others - Hands-on experience
January 24 - Healing and the Kingdom of God - Dr. Mary Healy - Zoom
February 16 - Fearless Documentary - Praying for Others - Zoom
March 21 - Healing with Dr. Mary Healy - Zoom
March 28 - Healing with Dr. Mary Healy - Zoom
August 23 - Fearless Documentary - Praying for Others Hybrid (in person and Zoom)
September 13 - Praying for Others - Hands-on experience
January 24 - Healing and the Kingdom of God - Dr. Mary Healy - Zoom
February 16 - Fearless Documentary - Praying for Others - Zoom
March 21 - Healing with Dr. Mary Healy - Zoom
March 28 - Healing with Dr. Mary Healy - Zoom