Do you really understand what Jesus, the Christ,
did for YOU
by His life, death and resurrection?
Sometimes meanings get weakened or even lost in translation; for instance, the word "love." In Greek, there are at least four ways to express that you love: Agape - the love of God for man and man for God; Eros - passionate, physical love; Philia, - affectionate regard, friendship; Storge - family relationships, love of parents for children.
Another word that gets lost in translation is the Greek word SOZO, which means saved, healed, delivered.
Another word that gets lost in translation is the Greek word SOZO, which means saved, healed, delivered.
Jesus is an all-out God. He doesn't just save, He heals and delivers at the same time.
In the English translation of Scripture the word Sozo is shortchanged. Where the English might say healed or saved or delivered, the original Greek said, "Sozo."
Read the following Scripture with that in mind.
"And when he had arrived at the place, Jesus looked up and saw him, and he said to him: "Zacchaeus, hurry down. For today, I should lodge in your house." And hurrying, he came down, and he received him joyfully. And when they all saw this, they murmured, saying that he had turned aside to a sinful man. But Zacchaeus, standing still, said to the Lord: "Behold, Lord, one half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have cheated anyone in any matter, I will repay him fourfold." Jesus said to him: "Today, salvation* has come to this house; because of this, he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man has come to seek and to save what had been lost." Luke 19:5-10
*"Today SOZO has come to this house . . ."
Jesus not only saved Zacchaeus, Jesus also healed and delivered him. He is a generous God.
Read the following Scripture with that in mind.
"And when he had arrived at the place, Jesus looked up and saw him, and he said to him: "Zacchaeus, hurry down. For today, I should lodge in your house." And hurrying, he came down, and he received him joyfully. And when they all saw this, they murmured, saying that he had turned aside to a sinful man. But Zacchaeus, standing still, said to the Lord: "Behold, Lord, one half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have cheated anyone in any matter, I will repay him fourfold." Jesus said to him: "Today, salvation* has come to this house; because of this, he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man has come to seek and to save what had been lost." Luke 19:5-10
*"Today SOZO has come to this house . . ."
Jesus not only saved Zacchaeus, Jesus also healed and delivered him. He is a generous God.