Prayer for Healing
Like any good father, God has a great plan for His children. He has given us everything we need in Jesus; Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance. (See SOZO)
As Jesus tells His disciples in Mark 4:13-20, if we have no root, we will not endure the tactics of the one who opposes God’s children. Sickness, disease, infirmity, depression, oppression and the like are not part of the Kingdom of God.
If you have physical, emotional, or spiritual pain because of life's hurts and circumstances, you can find healing and hope in Jesus. You are the pearl of great price, and the Father wants you to be whole. The Father sent Jesus to rescue you, to purchase the field in which you have been hidden.
Call the Abba House of Mercy and Prayer at 603-524-9609 to set up a time to sit down with us and talk and pray. Let's see what the Holy Spirit will do!
Now, may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
As Jesus tells His disciples in Mark 4:13-20, if we have no root, we will not endure the tactics of the one who opposes God’s children. Sickness, disease, infirmity, depression, oppression and the like are not part of the Kingdom of God.
If you have physical, emotional, or spiritual pain because of life's hurts and circumstances, you can find healing and hope in Jesus. You are the pearl of great price, and the Father wants you to be whole. The Father sent Jesus to rescue you, to purchase the field in which you have been hidden.
Call the Abba House of Mercy and Prayer at 603-524-9609 to set up a time to sit down with us and talk and pray. Let's see what the Holy Spirit will do!
Now, may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
Prayer for Deliverance
Sometimes life's hurts are difficult to let go of. We drag them around like so much baggage and effectively lock ourselves into a jail of our own making. The bars are made up of anger, unforgiveness, pride, insecurity, hurt, sadness, depression, humiliation, shame, and the like.
The Abba House of Mercy and Prayer has trained prayer ministers to help you get free. We pray the Five Key model of Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance as taught by Neal Lozano. To learn more about Neal Lozano and Heart of the Father Ministries, click here.
Thousands have been set free from life-long battles.
Call the Abba House of Mercy and Prayer at 603-524-9609 to set up a time to sit down with us and talk. Our heavenly Father wants us saved, healed, and delivered!
The Abba House of Mercy and Prayer has trained prayer ministers to help you get free. We pray the Five Key model of Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance as taught by Neal Lozano. To learn more about Neal Lozano and Heart of the Father Ministries, click here.
Thousands have been set free from life-long battles.
Call the Abba House of Mercy and Prayer at 603-524-9609 to set up a time to sit down with us and talk. Our heavenly Father wants us saved, healed, and delivered!