StewardshipPrayer (Time)Service (Talent)Sharing (Treasure)How Much Should I Give?
SAB's Stewardship DreamThe Dream for our Parish, when it comes to Stewardship:
- to provide our parishioners with the spiritual enrichment and growth to discover God's presence and love in their lives. - to see at least 75% of our parish involved in some form of ministry activity. - all offerings pay for everything we need or desire to evangelize God's love and mercy to the Lakes Region. - There will be no second collections for anything except maybe a special fund drive for charity outside of our parish community. - As a parish, we tithe up to 10% of our weekly offertory to charities in and around our parish community (with a board of parishioners responsible for dispensing the monies). - Any remodeling or repairs needed for any of our buildings or ministries will be covered by the talents of parishioners free of charge. - We adopt a Catholic parish of low resources in a third world country to help in their mission. - We help all those in our parish who are unable to do physical chores (grass cutting, home repairs, etc). These are just a few of our dreams for Stewardship at SAB Parish. As you can see we have our work cut out for us but, with the help of God's grace, we can accomplish these dreams and many more! |